Shower servicing
When did you last have your shower serviced?
Every year we take the precaution of having a car or boiler serviced. Yet an item that is imperative to modern life is overlooked.
By having an annual service on your shower we can minimise the risk of the shower failing, ensure that it is performing to the manufacturer’s specification, and spot any potential water damage or fire risk to your property.
We also repair and replace all makes and models of shower.

Electric shower service (all makes and models)
We will check the following:
- Shower head – descale.
- Condition of hose.
- Evidence of leaks inside.
- Evidence of melted wires.
- Ensure shower is set up correctly.
- Incoming electrical supplies are sufficiently tightened at unit and isolation switch.
- Fuse/MCB and cable is correct rating.
- Handset holder and rail kit is secure and operating correctly.
Mixer valve / bar mixer shower service (all makes and models)
We will check the following:
- Shower head – descale.
- Condition of hose.
- Evidence of leaks.
- Remove, descale and regrease any temperature or flow control valves.
- Ensure shower is set up correctly.
- Ensure handset holder and rail kit are secure and operating correctly.